“Sectors of the doctrinal system serve to divert the unwashed masses and reinforce the basic social values: passivity, submissiveness to authority, the overriding virtue of greed and personal gain, lack of concern for others, fear of real or imagined enemies, etc. The goal is to keep the bewildered herd bewildered. It is unnecessary for them to trouble themselves with what's happening in the world. In fact, it's undesirable -- if they see too much of reality they may set themselves to change it.” – Noam Chomsky
-by Christopher Landau
Can you feel it?
The hot sweats and trembling hands. The furrowed brows and clenched fists. Election fever has most definitely struck the Labour party faithful and they clearly feel it’s not too late to offer us their pathetic revisionism. Like a microcosm of the Westminster stage, Facebook and other social networking sites have rapidly become the political pulpit of choice for the many partisan observers preaching their version of the truth.
Like a mirror held up to the party leadership, die-hard Labour supporters desperately scramble for credibility, increasingly dismayed by the "Clegg effect" that transformed this election after the Liberal Democrat leader won last week’s first televised debate. And in so doing so - moved us one-step closer to ending the undemocratic duopoly maintained by the two biggest parties for decades.
This has inevitably led to the awakening of a prickly, nervous and vocal sect of Labourphiles emerging into the bright light of the Media glare. Seemingly hell bent on defending there party, leaders and the status quo with a cacophony of half-truths, exaggeration, lies and spin. Even in Sweden, even over the Rumble of the Volcano - I can hear the faint sounds of hand wringing and teeth grinding. Which got me to thinking - Why should I actually care if Labour loses this election?
Yes, I do worry about what the Tories will do if they get in. But I also worry about what Labour might do if they win another term. And why anyone who genuinely hails from the political left should ever seek the re-election of arguably the most right wing British government since the Second World War - is beyond my comprehension.
Of course the New Labour apologists will try to convince us of there “core Socialist values”, by pointing to some of the redistributive policies introduced over the past 13 years. Examples such as Sure Start, the national minimum wage, a reduction in child poverty, raising the school leaving age, flexible hours for parents and carers, better conditions for part-time workers, the ‘decent homes’ programme, free museums and increased spending on foreign aid.All of these things are real achievements and deserve to be recognized as such. However the catalogue of failures, duplicity, apostatizing and outright destruction is a far longer and more consequential list.
Under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Labour discovered a new role to play on the world stage, one that restored power and credibility in the eyes of the electorate. Instead of delivering our dreams - politicians promised to protect us from nightmares. As Britain and America go around the world 'liberating' oppressed people, and as they try to 'liberate' us from the old bureaucracies of the past, they replace what was there before with a strange kind of freedom; a freedom that bears little resemblance to any notion of freedom we knew before. This is the New Labour project and it is mirrors the Neo-Conservative movement in the U.S.
In the past politicians promised to make a better world. They had different ways of achieving this but their power and authority came from the optimistic visions they offered their people. Those dreams failed and people lost faith in ideologies - with politicians increasingly seen as mere managers of public life.
Welcome to the Politics of Fear
“Terrorism doesn't just blow up buildings; it blasts every other issue off the political map. The spectre of terrorism - real and exaggerated - has become a shield of impunity, protecting governments around the world from scrutiny for their human rights abuses.” – Naomi Klein
One thing alone destroys the credibility of a vote for Labour. We have a cabinet full of war criminals. That is of course only if you accept the premise that there is such a thing as International Law and that it should be recognised. It is commonly understood but again, seldom reported, that the British government - like most other major world powers, cares nothing for international law until it serves our own interests. Noam Chomsky famously once quipped: “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.”
The same holds true for our beloved leaders. The Nuremberg tribunal by the way defined a war of aggression like that inflicted on Iraq as “the supreme international crime”. But in that particular case, the immorality comes not only from the Labour government’s unprovoked massacre of civilians but because it was Labour itself that sabotaged chances of achieving a peaceful resolution. It had already been decided that Iraq was to be invaded in 2001.(3) After the attacks of 9/11 gave Britain and the US a mandate to realise the full ideological potential of the ‘War on Terror'.
The red white and blue elephant in the room
"Somewhere in the modern British psyche there perhaps still lurks the dreamy figure of a prime minister who might, at least occasionally, tell Washington where to get off" - John Harris
As well as being the most right wing government since the war, this Labour government has also been the most subservient partner of the so called ‘special relationship’, since Churchill first coined the phrase in 1946. The dynamic between the U.S and U.K reached entirely new lows as Labour agreed to meet just about every demand from the Bush administration.
This unequal relationship can be demonstrated simply enough. Take for example the one-sided extradition treaty Tony Blair signed in 2003 allowing the US to extradite British citizens without producing prima facie evidence of an offence. In the same year the defence secretary Geoff Hoon announced that he would “restructure the British armed forces to make them inter-operable with those of the United States”(4) ensuring for the first time in our history that our military became functionally subordinate to that of another sovereign power.
The roll of the U.S in shaping British foreign policy is rarely acknowledged in any Corporate Media that I know of. Yet it is the defining factor that has led us into the blood and horror of Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. (If anybody wants to pipe up at this point and saying something about Kosovo being a ‘good’ intervention”, I recommend Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk and John Pilger’s excellent reporting on this issue. I could write a whole essay on the Labour propaganda coup that is Kosovo - but it will have to wait).
In 2006 the Labour govenment also helped to block a proposed international moratorium on the use of Cluster bombs. Still resisting an outright ban today, despite the fact that after the 1st of August 2010 Britain will be left as one of the only countries in Europe not to ratify the treaty.(5)
I assert that Labour's foreign policy is as much, or more unethical, than that of Margaret Thatcher's. If we grant that it is possible to say such things at all.
It is the same administration which collaborated with the US programme of torture, extra-judicial kidnapping and targeted assassination. This is the same administration that abandoned our fellow countrymen in Guantánamo Bay and had them tortured in Pakistani prisons and the 'secret' CIA prisons dotted about Eastern Europe and the Middle East - where there may still be many more Britons held in anonymous solitude.
This is the same regime that continues in its resolute support for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. A Labour government which is so infiltrated by Zionist lobbyists they even refused to call for the halt of Israel’s massacre in Gaza at the end of 2008; in which over 1400 Palestinians were slaughtered, over half the dead children, with thousands more were critically wounded and over 6000 homes destroyed. This carnage often inflicted by technology exported from Britain and the U.S. Utilised on the ground by adolescent conscripts who are themselves largely funded by the American and British Military industrial complex.
Confronting Labour mythology head on
“A little rebellion now and then is a good thing”. – Thomas Jefferson
Frustratingly, by its own internal logic New Labour and it supporters actually see themselves as a success. It implemented the project that it set out to implement. Recall that Blair's destruction of Clause 4 was hailed as a masterstroke. And so it was - effectively signalling the end of the party. It was a right-ist coup d'état so successful that by some strange inversion of reason we have Labour sycophants today trying to define the Liberal Democrats as the ‘Right wing’ party and Labour as the party of the people. Neither of them are the party of people, but at least the Lib Dems don’t have to scrub of 13 years of evil taint.
During the past 13 years of Blair and Brown's stewardship, the economic framework laid down by Thatcher has been strengthened. The citizen has been re-regulated and business has been deregulated; as New Labour shifted taxation from the rich to the poor, cutting capital gains tax from 40% to 18%, and corporation tax from 33% to 28%, tried to raise the income tax paid by the poorest earners from 10% to 20% and lifted the inheritance tax threshold from £300,000 to £700,000. Whilst maintaining the cap on the highest rates of council tax, Labour has perversely focused the vast majority of enforcement on prosecuting low level benefits cheats, but has allowed tax avoidance mostly by the very rich, to reach an estimated £41bn.(7) If we look at the ‘Gini coefficient’ which measures inequality, it has increased slightly under Labour –rising from 0.33 to 0.35.
Despite what the Labour hacks would have you think, Gordon Brown was not a competent Chancellor; not if we look at the long-term results from his time at the treasury. It was Brown who notoriously claimed the “End of boom and bust” yet this is the very same man whose short sighted, politically expedient manoeuvres as chancellor have added hugely to our national debt. To take just one example, Gordon Brown was responsible for selling off the national gold reserve at a time when Gold prices reached record lows - cost to the taxpayer £7 Billion. His most damaging action as both chancellor and prime minister however was the forced implementation of the private finance initiative, into almost all of our public services.
PFI’s might not mean much to most people, but this reflects more on the scandalous under-reporting that they have received than their importance. The only real journalist willing to take on such a dry but crucial story it seems - is George Monibot of The Guardian newspaper.
Brown’s privatisation schemes crept into places where previous Conservative governments never dared tread, although they are unlikely to have such qualms today. One example that springs immediately to mind is the recent venue for the Labour Manifesto launch last week. The new hospital used as the venue cost £600 million to build, the final bill to the taxpayer under the PFI scheme will run to £2.5 billion.(8)
A somewhat nihilistic conclusion
What started out as an experiment by a group of young, powerful ideologues in the Labour party - seeking to redefine some sort of shared ‘goal’ for the British people to identify with. Instead became nothing more than the simplistic but powerful notion of the ‘constant war’ that Orwell had foreseen. The Labour government destroyed our hopes. As Monibot writes; “It put into practice Thatcher's dictum that "there is no alternative" to a market fundamentalism that subordinates human welfare to the demands of business. Labour has created a political monoculture that kills voters' enthusiasm, and has delayed electoral reforms that would have given smaller parties an opportunity to be heard. All we are left with is fear: the fear that this awful government might be replaced by something slightly worse. Fear has destroyed the Labour party, but people keep supporting it in trepidation of letting the other side win."(9)
Save this government? I would sooner give my money to a charity that rapes badgers. Of all the causes that leftist thinkers might consider supporting New Labour must be one of the least deserving. I have no problem with a tactical vote for Labour to keep out the Tories by the way, fair enough. But to claim Labour occupies some sort of ideological high ground is gratuitous. If you don’t want to believe me that is of course up to you. As the English theologian Joseph Barber Lightfoot put it: “When I speak to you, I speak to myself. If I seem to warn or to rebuke you, it is not so much you, as myself, to whom the warning or the rebuke is addressed.”
I say that because like many of the Labour apologists peddling their ideological claptrap today, I too came from a family of die-hard leftist Labour supporters. But tribal loyalty to the Labour party in 2010 represents the antithesis of truly left wing values. Of course I imagine most Labour partisans will claim my writing is unfair and dismiss it out of hand. So all that I can do is leave you with the opening paragraph of Thomas Paine’s short but enlightened book 'Common Sense'.
“Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom. But tumult soon subsides. Time makes more converts than reason.” C
(1) http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2002/04/16/a-war-against-the-peacemaker
(4)Geoff Hoon, 26th June 2003. Britain’s Armed Forces for Tomorrow’s Defence. Speech to the Royal United Services Institute
(5) http://www.monbiot.com/archives/2006/11/07/asserting-our-right-to-kill-and-maim-civilians/
(7). http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld200708/ldhansrd/text/80327-0002.htm
(9) http://www.monbiot.com/
Ugh...British politics. So nasty and terrible. Between the unwritten constitution, the complete hatred of civil liberties shared by almost all the population. And then the fact that the whole island is really a colony of Brussels. Of course it bows down to the US, it and its people would bow to anything, such as random searches of the person on the street.
ReplyDeleteLabour has had a terrible run in many ways. While it managed to reverse the nightmare that was Tory power, it never got close to getting back to its real values - the 1983 Manifesto. And it never will.
However, who wants the Tories running Britain? Are the ThatcheReagan years really that memorable? And the LibDems will never be a serious party unless they eliminate Labour. And the elimination of Labour would be the death of Liberal socialism everywhere, truly depressing. Otherwise they will continue to be a third wheel just like "independents" in America - enticing but laughable. And never left enough for me. I liked the LibDems back when everyone hated them and thought they were just more Tories...No I've reversed myself. GO LABOUR! (just get rid of all the people at the top of the party please, esp. Gordy and Mandy and Alistair...opps too late)
Big Ed here.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Chomsky quote.
Went some way to reminding me why I don't vote.
Stay frosty, mate.
Yea its really really nasty watching it all via the internet. I'l be back in time for the aftermath come the end of May but to be honest all I find myself hoping for is some sort of mass assassination.
ReplyDeleteRich: I thought for some reason you might quite like the Lord of Darkness Mandelson. He smells of roses you know. and he reminds me of one of your other political crushs - that vile zionist manakin bitch Nancy Pelosi. She sold her soul to AIPAC a long time ago son!
Ed: Chomsky is the man, but he votes! ha and you know me Big Dawg - im always frosty. I should have my xbox live up and running again this September though so I can prove it to you!
I LOVE Nancy Pelosi...so perfect. So beautiful. So amazingly hot. Nancy Pelosi for British PM! Haha....well I like Mandelson only to the extent he is gay. His politics are not radical enough for me. Now that I'm back in the States again, my leftism is back in full force.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, and Noam Chomsky is perfect, too. He inspired my libertarian-socialism when I went to see him live years ago.